Friday, October 14, 2005

Toxic Avengers!

So now that we are back in the BIG EASY! Josh and I had to go check on my friend Raja's house. He lives in the Upper Garden District. We went to his house to make sure that there wasn't any water or roof damage. Josh and I wore breathing mask incase of contamination and mold. Raja's house was fine. But the refridgerator didn't make it out so well 6 weeks with no power and rotten food is a mecca for bugs and maggots! Yuck! He bought a new fridge...

Back In NO

So we are back in New Orleans. Josh and I drove 18 hours from Albuquerque NM, to New Orleans two weeks ago. Once in New Orleans we picked up our other car at the airport and it was fine. We suffered minor roof damage and lost part of the fence. Our house made it out very well. It took us about a week to clean up all the debris outside. Coming back to New Orleans has been very sad. Nothing is the same driving into the city was shocking and seeing the watermarks on buildings was even more depressing. The city stinks and the flys are so fat they can't fly! Our lifes are consumed by talk of the hurricane, the evacuation, stories of survival and death. Eveyday it gets better but it will take years before NO comes back to the way it used to be.