Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Evacuation from NOLA Aug. 27

So here is the story of our evacuation out of our beloved New Orleans. Josh and I evacuated New Orleans on Saturday 27th of August (the day after my b-day). My sister Marcela called me Saturday morning and told me to turn on the news. I did and what I saw was the biggest meanest hurricane churning in the Gulf of Mexico headed our way. I got on the phone and reserved 2 tickets out of New Orleans leaving on Sunday 28th at 6am.

Later that day I am of course watching TV while Josh is boarding up the house and the city officials said, "that the airport was going to be closed on Sunday!" Delta had cancelled all flights out of the city. I quickly got on the phone with Delta and changed our reservations for that same night flying out of New Orleans at midnight to Atlanta.

On our way out of our home my sister and mother called me on 3 way and said, "Empty your refrigerator" I was like NO we will be back in a few days. Both of them screaming said, "DO IT NOW". Thank GOD I listened to them because we have been without power for 3 weeks. And the horror stories about the spoiled food inside my friend’s fridges are horrible.

We are now in Albuquerque, New Mexico with my husband's parents. Our homemade it through the storm we just lost the back fence. Not sure about any roof damage yet. We live in Historic Algiers across from the French Quarter if you were to take the Ferry across the river.

We will be going home soon possibly next week. Lets see what "Rita" decides to destroy next. Hopefully it will pass us in the night and give us a brake.

New Car!

Since we don't know if our Isuzu Trooper made it through the hurricane.
We left it parked at the airport. We got a 2003 BMW X5. We love it!